Wednesday, February 25, 2009


In this article it is talking a lot about how much these student think that they deserve a better grade yet they are only doing the minimum amount of work needed even if they put in more effort whats to say it. If a student that has a hard time waking up and paying attention or staying on task manages to be in class on time and read all the chapters that they assign how do we know that they are putting in more effort than a person who never has to worry about waking up is working a job and doing the reading. The fact of the matter is effort is nothing comparied to quality because the quality shows how much you got out of the learning. For a student to earn a A the should have no problem turning out high quality work. I mean yes effort is important but if you take two people lets say a high school student and a collage student and have them read the same book that is around a master degree level and the collage student turns in a higer quaility paper than the high school student but the high school student puts more effort into his does that mean that the high schooler should get a higher grade than the collage student?
Well the obvious answer is NO because the level of work is not the same but even if you change the example to lets say two collage student and one of them is working a job and has a kid at home while the other one is just the normal lives at home and goes to school student. Well does that mean the student with a job and kid should automaticly get a higher grade like a A+ because they take alot more effort to do there work than the other student does. Well i dont think so becasue a student could easily just slack off all year long and than hand in all the work on the last week and say i should get a high grade because i put more effort getting it done now than they did because i had to do it faster than they did.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

feelings on birth

my feelings on birth are that they are personal and yet open at the same time. Its partly because of the processes that you go through with the pregnancy. Yes if someone asks how are you or hows the baby doing its one thing but when someone asks you can i be in the room when the baby's born and its not even the father thats just past a certain point. Its like they are inconsiderate of the fact that its a really personal momment and that its not what people want to be asked. but still its pretty open i mean we have celebrations just for materialistic items to be bought and we help capailist increase there profit.